Pixel Art
Some recent practice/game artwork.
More Ninja Poser Zenku DASH sprites! This time it's the run cycle for the 32x32 upscale of the original 16x16 character.

He lives! Or breathes, anyway. This is the 32x32 version of the 16x16 character prototype for Ninja Poser Zenku DASH.

I originally made this as a joking representation of some of my experiences here in Finland, but people seem to really dig it so this may wind up getting its own mini-game at some point.

Little pingu here was made for a hackweek project but wound up going unused. I had a lot of fun staring at videos of penguins running to get his animation down, though!

This little guy was made for a hackweek project. He unfortunately went unused as the project wound up pivoting to a different type of game.

A smoking fish made for @Pixel Dailies. Made with the original Game Boy colour palette. Mostly used for a test drive of my new Wacom tablet.

Originally made for animation practice, this is the character and animation sequence I used to prototype on of my current projects, Ninja Poser Zenku DASH.

This was made as a first iteration background for a mobile game I am still working on. This background may go unused as I am currently in the process of upscaling all of the sprites.

This character was meant for the same RPG as Geoff. His sole purpose is to stand in the corner of the overworld, endlessly smoking and offering the player really mediocre advice.

Geoff - now a professional walker!

An idle animation for a rad hacker dude I was planning on using for an RPG.